Description: This Library Patron is a bare bones script with mininal interaction that utilizes the random walking and sitting aspects of the Fidgeting Shopkeeper script. You can change the dialog in this script to make all sorts of relatively unimportant npcs, but give your world a populated feel. This requires the Fidgeting tasks from my previous script.
Remember to be quiet in the library!
"Library Patron":
type: assignment
default constants:
# X-axis wander radius
Width: 10# Z-axis wander radius
Depth: 5
Delay: 30s
Speed: 5
interact scripts:
- 10 libInteract Script
on assignment:
- flag npc "fs_spawnx:<npc.location.x>"
- flag npc "fs_spawnz:<npc.location.z>"
- flag npc "fs_spawny:<npc.location.y>"
- flag npc "fs_spawny:<flag.n:fs_spawny.asint>"
on spawn:
- execute as_npc speed 0.5
- trigger name:click toggle:true radius:3
- trigger name:chat toggle:true radius:5
- trigger name:proximity toggle:false cooldown:1 radius:10
- flag npc "fs_spawned:true"
- flag npc "fs_attention:false"
- flag npc "fs_defaultx:<flag.n:fs_spawnx>"
- flag npc "fs_defaultz:<flag.n:fs_spawnz>"
- runtask "script:Fidgeting" queue
on despawn:
- flag npc "fs_spawned:false"
on complete navigation:
- ^runtask "script:fs_scanforchair"
"libInteract Script":
type: interact
click trigger:
- random 2
- chat "Don't touch me!"
- chat "Can't you see I'm busy?"
chat trigger:
trigger: '/REGEX:.+/'
- chat 'Shhhhhhh!'