Quest Given:
type: format
format: "<&6>You got a new quest by <>: <&f><text><&6>!"
Quest Success:
type: format
format: "<&6>You successfully completed the <&f><text><&6> quest!"
Quest Fail:
type: format
format: "<&4>You failed at completing the <&f><text><&4> quest!"
Format test:
type: assignment
interact scripts:
- 10 Narrate format test
Narrate format test:
Type: Interact
Click Trigger:
- NARRATE "This is a default narrate text"
- NARRATE "FORMAT:Quest Given" "Catch me if you can"
- NARRATE "FORMAT:Quest Success" "Just another easy quest"
- NARRATE "FORMAT:Quest Fail" "This is meant to be failing"