################################################################# # This implements the npc FloydMcFlick, after a craft type # # quest the char receives a magic helmet; The Crown of Cake # # when held the crown gives char 1 cake on a 1 hour cooldown. # #command is /cakeme # # # #Coded by (IGN) morlanius for MCLM - http://mc.lifemud.com # # 2013 # # Thanks to the people on the denizen irc for their support. # # # ################################################################# "World_Item_cookie_crown": type: world events: # on server start: # - narrate 'Empowering magical items!' # # # on walked over loc_name: # - cmd # on getcookies command: - determine passively fulfilled - narrate 'You try to invoke the Cookie Gods to do your will!!' - wait 1 - if <player.item_in_hand.lore> contains 'The Crown of Cookies' runtask 'cookie helm' 'cookie helm': type: task script: - if <flag.p:gotcookies> runtask nocookies else runtask getcookies queue 'getcookies': type: task script: - flag player gotcookies:true duration:3600s - narrate 'The Cookie Gods will bow to your will .... this time.' - wait 2 - narrate 'LET THERE BE .... COOKIES!!' - GIVE ITEM:COOKIE QTY:32 'nocookies': type: task script: - narrate 'The cookie gods tire of your requests.' #################################### # Item Definitions # # # #################################### crown_of_cookies: type: item material: 314 display name: 'The Crown of Cookies' lore: - 'The Crown of Cookies' - 'type /getcookies to use me' #################################################################### # End of item handler # # # # Start of Floyd McFlick # #################################################################### "mcflick": type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 mcflick script actions: on assignment: - trigger name:chat toggle:true 'mcflick script': Type: Interact Requirements: Mode: None Steps: 1: Click Trigger: Script: - cooldown duration:10s "script:mcflick script" - CHAT "Hi, My name is Floyd McFlick. I having a bit of a clear out, I seem to have..." - WAIT 3 - CHAT "an excess of my magic cookie crowns. If you can meet my challenge you can have one!" - WAIT 3 - CHAT "All you need to do is make a whole heap of cookies, I dont even want any!" - WAIT 3 - CHAT "MY crowns are better than 'ol fattyguts over there!" - WAIT 3 - narrate '<&lb>KingFuttyGlut<&rb><&co> Oi! I heard that!' - CHAT "So ... How about it?" Chat Trigger: 1: Trigger: /Yes/,I can make as many as you can name!!! Script: - WAIT 2 - CHAT "Good for you! lets see if you can make <red>FIVE Thousand Cookies<white>!." - WAIT 2 - CHAT "I will whisper in your ear when you get to your target." - WAIT 4 - CHAT "Then come back and ill give you your reward." - ZAP 2 - LISTEN ITEM TYPE:CRAFT ID:listen_mcflick NAME:COOKIE QTY:5000 'SCRIPT:mcflick reward' - execute asserver "denizen save" 2: Trigger: /No/, too much work for me, I dont want your stinking magical crown that would give me lots of cookies for free. Script: - CHAT "Cookie hater!! leave me alone!" 2: Click Trigger: Script: - CHAT "Still making cookies I see, keep it up!" 3: Click Trigger: Script: - CHAT "Grand job! you truly do deserve ...." - WAIT 1 - CHAT "The Crown of Cookies! ... here you go!" - GIVE XP QTY:400 - GIVE ITEM:crown_of_cookies - NARRATE "You've received The Crown of Cookies!" - NARRATE "You've received 400 §2experience§f!" - execute asserver "denizen save" - COOLDOWN 'SCRIPT:flick script' 604800 - ZAP "mcflick after" 'mcflick reward': Type: Task Script: - NARRATE "You just reached your quota of cake making!" - ZAP 'SCRIPT:mcflick script' 3 'mcflick after': Type: Interact Requirements: Mode: None Steps: 1: Click Trigger: Script: - CHAT "Hey there friend! Still making those cakes?."
Any idea what he command line is to use this? would be helpfull /npc world --set blabla