Anti-Sword Guard

Author: aufdemrand
Created: 2013-11-27T18:33:14-0500
Edited: 2013-11-28T20:16:01-0500
Denizen Version: 0.9.3
Views: 26
Downloads: 843
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Description: Small example of a 'guard' type NPC. This guard will get very angry if you are equipped with a sword! Disarm yourself, fool!

anti-sword guard:
  type: assignment
  # Set this to true if you want to see debug info
  # Warning! This uses the 'move proximity' action
  # which can be very spammy!
  debug: false
  # Points of interaction .. for NPCs they are called 'actions'
  # These actions will call other local scripts that will carry
  # out further instructions

    # Set up the guard location and triggers when the script
    # is assigned
    on assignment:
    - trigger name:proximity state:true range:7
    - trigger name:damage state:true
    - trigger name:chat state:false
    - trigger name:click state:true
      # Set guard location to current location
    - run locally 'set guard location'
      # Make vulnerable, able to be killed, can be
      # toggled with '/npc vulnerable'
    - vulnerable
    # This will fire each time a player moved within range of
    # a guard. If the player has a sword in hand, and the guard
    # isn't already aggressive (chasing a player), and the 
    # player isn't already on the suspicion list, run 'disarm' 
    on move proximity:
    - if '<player.item_in_hand.material>' contains 'sword'
      && !<npc.has_flag[aggressive]> 
      && '!<npc.flag[suspicious].as_list>' contains '<player>'{
        - run locally 'disarm' 'id:<>_disarm'
    # On exit proximity, if the player has not disarmed, attack!
    # We're naming the queue with the 'id:' argument, that way
    # it can be cancelled later if need be. 'get sword' is essentially
    # a tiny looping script.
    on exit proximity:
    - if '<npc.flag[suspicious].as_list>' contains '<player>' 
       && !<npc.has_flag[aggressive]> {
      - run locally 'get sword' 'id:<>_getsword'
    # On spawn, reset to guard location. This will fire when the NPC
    # respawns from death, too.
    on spawn:
    - run locally 'reset' instantly
    # On death, spew a message
    on death:
    - narrate 'You say to the guard, "Respect my sword!"'
    - run locally 'reset' instantly
    # Set spawn location of click if op, otherwise just greet
    # ...unless you have a sword!
    on click:
    - look <player.location>
    - if <player.is_op> run locally 'set guard location' 
      else if '!<player.item_in_hand.material>' contains 'sword'
      chat 'Good day, sir.'
    # Take damage
    on damage:
      # Mix things up
    - random 3
    - heal 5
    - heal 2
    - heal 0
      # ...and again.
    - random 2
    - chat 'Argh! You will pay!'
    - narrate 'You slice through the guard!'
      # ...and of course, attack back!
    - attack <npc> target:<player>

  # This script will be run when a player moves in proximity
  # of a guard. This will be when the guard checks players.
  - ^if '!<player.item_in_hand.material>' contains 'sword' {
      - chat 'Rightly so, mister!'
      - attack cancel
      - run locally 'reset'
      - queue clear
    # Put the player in the suspicious list so that it doesn't 
    # run disarm twice on a player. It's a list so that multiple
    # players can be tracked.
  - ^if !<npc.flag[suspicious].as_list> contains '<player>'
    flag <npc> suspicious:->:<player>
    # Make the npc look at the player, chat some words. Feel free
    # to change this up. Feeling daring? Many scripts keep dialogue
    # as a 'constant', try converting this script to follow suit!
  - ^lookclose toggle:true
  - chat 'Halt! You shall not have that sword!'
  - wait 1
  - chat 'Disarm yourself, fool!'
    # random wait to easily mix things up 
  - random 3
  - wait 10
  - wait 3
  - wait 7
    # If the npc has warned this player more than 3 times, 
    # engage -- run 'get sword'!
  - if <player.flag[sword_guard_warnings]> > 3 {
      - run locally 'get sword' 'id:<>_getsword'
      - queue clear
    } else flag <player> sword_guard_warnings:++
    # Else, at this point the script will run again, in the form of
    # a 'script injection'. This script will be put back into
    # the queue that was running it, essentually creating a loop.
  - ^inject locally 'disarm'
  # This script will run if the player runs or does not disarm
  get sword:
    # Check if player is still holding sword.
  - ^if '!<player.item_in_hand.material>' contains 'sword' {
      - chat 'Rightly so, mister!'
      - attack cancel
      - run locally 'reset'
      - queue clear
    # Mark the npc as aggressive so that it can't be bothered
    # by other people -- this is now his target
  - ^flag <npc> aggressive:<player>
    # attack the player
  - ^attack <npc> target:<player>
  - chat 'You will drop your weapon!'
    # Mix up the timing
  - random 3
  - wait 3
  - wait 5
  - wait 10
    # If the player has sucessfully ran away from the npc,
    # reset the guard
  - ^if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> > 15 {
      - narrate 'You yell to the guard, "Eat my dust!"'
      - run locally 'reset'
      - queue clear
    } else {
      - run locally 'get sword' 'id:<>_getsword'
  # Run this to set the guarding location to the NPCs current spot
  set guard location:
  - ^flag <npc> 'guard_location:<npc.location>'
  - chat 'I will guard this position!'
  - chat 'No sword on MY watch!'
  # Returns the NPC to the guarding location, and resets some flags
    # If the NPC is spawned, move it to the location it needs to guard
  - ^if <npc.is_spawned> 
      && '<npc.location.distance[<npc.flag[guard_location]>]>' < 100 {
      - attack cancel
      - walk '<npc.flag[guard_location]>'
    } else {
      - attack cancel
      - teleport <npc> '<npc.flag[guard_location]>'
    # Toggle off lookclose
  - ^lookclose toggle:false
    # Reset queues
  - ^if '<queue.exists[<>_getsword]>' 
     queue <>_getsword clear
  - ^if '<queue.exists[<>_disarm]>' 
     queue <>_disarm clear
    # Reset some flags
  - ^flag <npc> aggressive:!
  - foreach '<npc.flag[suspicious].as_list>'
    - if %value% != null flag %value% sword_guard_warnings:!
  - ^flag <npc> suspicious:!
    # Reset health
  - health 50
  - heal

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