## Easily allow staff on your server to reset an interact script for particular players ingame.
## Simple add the command below, an example would be on the chat trigger of "reset".
## ----------------------- FEATURES ----------------------- ##
## * Supports permissions, simply add the permission node "denizen.scripts.resetsteps".
## * Supports multiple interact scripts and multiple players.
## -------------------------------------------------------- ##
## COMMAND - RUN SCRIPT:RESETSTEPS DEF:<AmountOfInteractScriptsHere>|<FirstInteractScript>|<NextInteractScript>
## EXAMPLE - RUN SCRIPT:RESETSTEPS DEF:3|firstscript|secondscript|thirdscript
## INGAME - Enter names like "tstom0,Igkn,randomplayer"
############################################################### ## MADE BY TSTOM0 ## ################################################################# Easily allow staff on your server to reset an interact script for particular players ingame.## Simple add the command below, an example would be on the chat trigger of "reset".## ----------------------- FEATURES ----------------------- ###### * Supports permissions, simply add the permission node "denizen.scripts.resetsteps".## * Supports multiple interact scripts and multiple players.#### -------------------------------------------------------- #### COMMAND - RUN SCRIPT:RESETSTEPS DEF:<AmountOfInteractScriptsHere>|<FirstInteractScript>|<NextInteractScript>## EXAMPLE - RUN SCRIPT:RESETSTEPS DEF:3|firstscript|secondscript|thirdscript#### INGAME - Enter names like "tstom0,Igkn,randomplayer"
Type: World
Debug: False
on player chats:
- IF <player.has_flag[ResetSteps]> {
- IF <context.message> == "cancel" || <context.message> == "exit"{
- FLAG player "ResetSteps:!"
- NARRATE "<red>Your chat capabilities have been restored."}
- NARRATE "<gold> ===================================================="
- FOREACH "<context.message.split[,].as_list>"{
- DEFINE playername "%value%"
- IF <p@%playername%.has_played_before> {
- FOREACH <player.flag[ResetSteps].as_list> {
- DEFINE scriptname "%value%"
- ZAP STEP:1 SCRIPT:%scriptname% PLAYER:p@%playername%}
- NARRATE "<&d> - <green><aqua>%playername% <green>has had their progress reset!"}
- NARRATE "<&d> - <aqua>%playername% <yellow>is not a valid player!"}}
- NARRATE "<red> Type <&d>cancel <red>or <&d>exit <red>to return to normal."
- NARRATE "<gold> ===================================================="}
- DETERMINE cancelled
Type: Task
- IF <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.resetsteps]> != "true"{
- NARRATE "<red>Insufficient Permissions!"
- QUEUE clear
- DEFINE scriptamount "%1%"
- DEFINE interactScript "2"
- REPEAT %scriptamount% {
- DEFINE value "<def[%interactScript%]>"
- FLAG player "ResetSteps:->:%value%"
- DEFINE interactScript "<def[interactScript].add[1].as_int>"}
- ^NARRATE "<red>Please enter the players name."
- ^NARRATE "<red>You will not be able to chat during this time."
- ^NARRATE "<red>Type <&d>cancel <red>or <&d>exit <red>to return to normal."
This is amazing, need this so much.
Sadly I can't get it to work?
In game I type /ex run script:ResetSteps def:1|IntroScript
It prompts me with the username to reset. I type my minecraft username.
It says the player has been reset for that interact script.
I type "exit" to go back to normal chat.
But after that I'm still at the same step I was at before. (which is one of the last steps)
Any help :S?
I looked through your script, I changed my first step to be called "1:" instead of what I had before. But it still doesn't work.
It comes upw ith an ERROR:
ERROR! 'SCRIPT:def[2]' is an unknown argument!
ERROR! Woah!! An exception has been called with this command!
This is amazing, need this so much. Sadly I can't get it to work? In game I type /ex run script:ResetSteps def:1|IntroScript It prompts me with the username to reset. I type my minecraft username. It says the player has been reset for that interact script. I type "exit" to go back to normal chat. But after that I'm still at the same step I was at before. (which is one of the last steps) Any help :S? I looked through your script, I changed my first step to be called "1:" instead of what I had before. But it still doesn't work. It comes upw ith an ERROR: ERROR! 'SCRIPT:def[2]' is an unknown argument! ERROR! Woah!! An exception has been called with this command!
Could you run a debug with /denizen debug -r then once you've ran the script use /denizen submit and send me the link please.