Ogra - A gatebarer
Author: mclm
Created: 2013-04-05T14:20:02-0400
Edited: 2013-04-08T12:42:54-0400
Denizen Version: 0.8
Views: 48
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Description: This is my first ever script so its a little dirty and ugly in places. albeit this is a second revision but as the first one just didnt work I dont think it counts.
This is an npc that requires the player know some basic lore about the server history and lore. It costs the player 1 emerald as well as knowing the answer to her "riddle".
The use of an anchor to mark the location of a redstone switch is used to activate/deactivate a craftbook area sign. One area shows a tranquil lava pool and when in active state reveals a vine lined, obsidian tube to her "library" where other npcs wait with to provide the player with magical items and a giggle or two.
This is just placed into ogra.dscript and apart from requiring the location of the switch (ograswitch) should work right away.
type: assignment
interact scripts:
- 1 Reveal Library2
on assignment:
- trigger name:chat toggle:true
'Reveal Library2':
type: interact
click trigger:
- cooldown duration:4s "script:Reveal Library2"
- random 3
- chat "I am Ogra!"
- chat "What do you want of me?"
- chat "What do you want? ..... snotnose..."
- wait 1
- chat "You must first know the name of my second son, the one who crafted the universe!"
- wait 1
- chat "And bring me an emerald for to prove you are serious about learning my magic."
- wait 1
- chat "ONLY then, will I grant you access to my library!"
- wait 1
chat trigger:
trigger: Aah, its /Opek/ HE created this world!
- chat "What did you just say?!?! ......"
- if <player.item_in_hand.id> == 388 zap 'step:2'
chat trigger:
trigger: I said /Opek/ ya deaf old trout!
- take emerald qty:1
- chat "Ahhaa! no need to shout!"
- wait 1
- chat "BEHOLD my library!!"
- narrate "The ground begins to shake."
- switch state:on location:<anchor:ograswitch> duration:240
- cooldown duration:24s "script:Reveal Library2"
- zap 'step:3'
click trigger:
- chat "I do nothing more this day."
- zap 'step:1'