Broken Town Cryer

Author: EwfsPrince
Created: 2013-03-26T10:48:12-0400
Edited: 2013-03-26T11:57:19-0400
Denizen Version: fail
Views: 17
Downloads: 575
Likes: 0

Description: My first script it's broken, either because I'm a nub or of the version change.

  Type: assignment

  interact scripts:
  - 10 Cryer

    on assignment:
    - trigger name:chat toggle:true

  type: interact

      Click Trigger:
        - CHAT "What<&sq>s your name, stranger? Have never seen you around
          these parts before!"

      Chat Trigger:
          Trigger: My name is /<>/.
          - CHAT "Ah ha, your name sounds familiar! I heard you are new to the area is that correct?"
          - NARRATE 'Type in<&co> Yes'
          - ZAP

      Chat Trigger:
          Trigger: /Yes/, I am new!
          - engage
          - CHAT "I thought so, welcome to RPG Server! We have a fantastic land for you to explore and play with others you probably be wondering how to get started? Not to worry I am here to give you a introduction to the basics of the server so you can be on your way."
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "This server is home to the community! If you type /server you can view a whole list of other servers that you can connect to."
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "This server is very different to most other servers you may of visted<&co> You need to make a choice of which class you are going to play on the server as."
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "The classes that are available are<&co> Mage, Human, Troll, Knight & Archer. There is no superior race to one and another but they do have weaknesses againts other classes so you will need to be mindful when battling them."
          - WAIT 4
          - CHAT "For instance Humans can mine ores, however the other classes will need to buy diamonds from the shop or from humans in order to obtain them. Knights can use diamond armour but mages, humans and the other races cannot equip such items!"
          - WAIT 5
          - CHAT "These are just a few differences between the races and you will discover more through your travels"
          - WAIT 3
          - CHAT "Some useful commands<&co> /warp shop - For your shopping needs, /warp wild - To head off to the wild to find a guild to join!"
          - WAIT 4
          - CHAT "The first thing you need to do is find a guild to join you can start your own but it<&sq>s more risky! Best thing to do is find a guild to help you get on your feet if you choose to leave ally them or best chance of survival!"
          - ZAP step:3 
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "Good luck!"
          - disengage
      Click Trigger:
        - CHAT "Oh, nice to see you again <>!"
        - CHAT "Have you stopped by the rules section at spawn and read the rules?"

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