Zombie Kill Sreak

Author: danton1983
Created: 2013-11-29T17:59:47-0500
Edited: 2013-11-29T17:59:47-0500
Denizen Version: 0.93
Views: 4
Downloads: 726
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Description: Just a simple zombie kill streak script, just adjust the duration to the amount of time they have until their streak runs out, like if they kill 15 zombies in 10 seconds they get the last message.

Special thanks to mcmonkey

  type: world 
    on player kills zombie: 
    - define pl <context.damager> 
    - flag %pl% ZombieKillStreak:++ duration:10s 
    - if <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreak]> == 5 && <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreakReward1]> != true { 
      - narrate target:%pl% "<&b>You feel the rush!" 
      - cast regeneration duration:5s power:1 %pl% 
      else if <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreak]> == 10 && <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreakReward2]> != true { 
      - narrate target:%pl% "<&b>You can't be stopped!" 
      - cast regeneration duration:5s power:2 %pl% 
      else if <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreak]> == 15 && <%pl%.flag[ZombieKillStreakReward3]> != true { 
      - announce "<&b><%pl%.name> is unbeatable!" 
      - cast regeneration duration:15s power:2 %pl% 

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