Poke Button

Author: mcmonkey
Created: 2013-11-30T19:58:19-0500
Edited: 2013-12-02T19:30:15-0500
Denizen Version: 0.9.3
Views: 40
Downloads: 870
Likes: 1

Description: A button with which to poke players.
Right-click a player to poke them!

    type: world
        on player right clicks player:
        - if <player.item_in_hand> != i@air queue clear
        - if <player.flag[pokeybutton_cooldown]> queue clear
        - flag player pokeybutton_cooldown duration:1s
        - narrate player:<context.entity> "<^player.name.display><&b><&o> pokes you."
        - playeffect <context.entity.location> effect:witch_magic qty:50 offset:2
        - playsound <context.entity.location> sound:hurt
        - playsound <context.entity.location> sound:successful_hit
        - announce to_console "<&6>Denizen<&co> <&7><player.name> pokes <context.entity.asplayer.name>"

2013-12-02 23:11:50 - Pigman168:

Is there an extended version of this with a purpose?
2013-12-03 00:30:46 - mcmonkey:

@Pigman168: Nope!
2013-12-14 20:33:31 - Chemical_Datas:

Lovin it already.