type: assignment
on assignment:
- trigger name:click toggle:true
- trigger name:proximity toggle:true
on enter proximity:
- random 4
- chat "Hi you look hungry! I just LOOOVE beef don't you!"
- chat "Interested in some Fancy Meat??"
- chat "Meat is best served with a side of art gallery!"
- chat "Don't go starving on squid! Eat some turf!"
on click:
- random 4
- chat "Welcome to Fancy Meats. The Fanciest Meat Shop this side of Build3r! <p> Personally, I love the raw steaks. But I don't go for any of the other white meat."
- chat "I've been working out. What do you think?"
- chat "I don't trust that Rinzler feller. No matter if he is the town sherrif."
- chat "Fritzbuild3r personally hung our paintings!"