NPC Sleep Cycle

Author: Kentoss
Created: 2013-04-20T02:04:32-0400
Edited: 2013-04-20T02:04:32-0400
Denizen Version: 0.8.8
Views: 82
Downloads: 1223
Likes: 2

Description: This is a proof of concept for having NPCs "go to sleep" at certain times of the Minecraft day. Forgive me if the syntax is a little strange, I've been learning as I go and there are a few things I'm still getting used to with dscript.

Note that I'm building my own list of "sleepable" NPCs by adding them to a global list on assignment and spawn, and then removing them from that list when they are removed. This has a heavy potential for getting messy so it may not be the best solution but as there is no current way to get a list of all NPCs through dScript it's the only one I've got.

Also thanks to Jeebiss for helping me fix a strange issue with the runtask command where using a flag with npcid: would result in the flag not parsing before the task is run. The fix for this is putting ^ before the flag which according to Jeebiss forces it to be parsed before the task is run.

Simply assign "sleep" to any NPC, and make sure to add a bed anchor. My next step will be to add alternate behavior when there's no bed assigned, such as walking to an inn or finding shelter.

Lastly: It's important that this is used with the most recent Denizen dev build. The PAUSE command I make use of in this was fixed earlier today, so having the latest build is necessary. There is also no UNPAUSE or RESUME command yet, which I get around by running a PAUSE DURATION:1 which initiates another pause but with a small duration so the pause ends itself allowing the NPC to continue what it was doing.

World Director:
 type: world

   on 6:00 in world:
   - flag global sleep:!
   - runtask 'loop through' "context:sleep_loop|npcs|global"
   on 19:00 in world:
   - flag global sleep:true
   - runtask 'loop through' "context:sleep_loop|npcs|global"
    type: task
    context: npc
    - runtask npcid:<^context.npc> sleep_handler
  type: assignment

  default constants:
    SleepCycle: true
    on assignment:
    - if !<flag.g:npcs.aslist> contains '<>' flag global "npcs:->:<>"
    on spawn:
    - if !<flag.g:npcs.aslist> contains '<>' flag global "npcs:->:<>"
    on despawn:
    - if <flag.g:npcs.aslist> contains '<>' flag global "npcs:<-:<>"
    on remove:
    - if <flag.g:npcs.aslist> contains '<>' flag global "npcs:<-:<>"
    on complete navigation:
    - if <flag.n:sleeping> == true execute as_npc "npc select <>"
    - if <flag.n:sleeping> == true execute as_npc "npc sleep --anchor:bed"
    type: task
    - if <cons:SleepCycle> == "false" queue clear
    - if <flag.g:sleep> == true if !<flag.n:sleeping> pause waypoints
    - if <flag.g:sleep> == true if !<flag.n:sleeping> walkto location:<anchor:bed>
    - if <flag.g:sleep> == true if !<flag.n:sleeping> flag npc sleeping:true
    - if <flag.n:sleeping> == true if !<flag.g:sleep> runtask 'unpause_waypoints' queue:unpause_queue
    - if <flag.n:sleeping> == true if !<flag.g:sleep> flag npc sleeping:!
  type: task
  - pause duration:1 waypoints
  - wait duration:1

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