
Author: jstmemage
Created: 2014-01-02T10:53:33-0500
Edited: 2014-01-02T10:53:33-0500
Denizen Version: 0.9
Views: 19
Downloads: 728
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Description: this is actually two scripts that might as well be in the same file. One is for the item "Sniper Bow" and the other is a world script that checks for the use of that item and gives the bow a more drastic zoom

  type: item
  material: 261
  display name: SniperBow
  - This bow lets you see 
  - your target more clearly.
# this links to sniperbow to create a zoom
  type: world

    on player right clicks with i@sniperbow:
    - if "<context.location || null>" == null && '<player.flag[hawkeyeactive]>' == 0 ||'<player.flag[hawkeyeactive]>' == null {
      - flag <player> hawkeyeactive:1
      - cast slow duration:30 power:2
      } else if "<context.location || null>" == null && '<player.flag[hawkeyeactive]>' == 1 {
      - flag <player> hawkeyeactive:0
      - cast slow duration:0
    on player shoots i@sniperbow:
    - flag <player> hawkeyeactive:0
    - cast slow duration:0

2014-01-14 23:13:11 - Pigman168:

Uhhh... nobody is going to want to use that bow unless you give it extra buffs. So far youre just making the player slower. Just cast a strength or determine the damage + 5 if he shoots the bow and hits an entity.