Holy Book

Author: jstmemage
Created: 2014-01-02T10:55:00-0500
Edited: 2014-01-02T10:55:00-0500
Denizen Version: 0.9
Views: 11
Downloads: 739
Likes: 0

Description: This is a script for a powerful magic item which heals players and harms zombies. It can only be used by players in the permissions group "Monk"

  type: item
  material: 403
  display name: HolyBook
  - Monks have been known to
  - heal people with this tome.
  type: world
    on player right clicks with i@holybook:
    - ^if <player.in_group[monk]> {
      - if <global.flag[myworldscript_cooldown]> == true queue clear
      - flag global myworldscript_cooldown:true duration:15
      - heal 5 <player.location.find.players.within[10].exclude[<player>]>
      - foreach <player.location.find.living_entities.within[10]> {
        - if <%value%.entity_type> == zombie hurt 5 %value%
     - narrate "You have healed the people nearby." }

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